Refresh With Realignment In Prayer

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Every relationship has a rhythm. As human beings it’s easy for us to find the rhythm, and then get comfortable in it. By comfortable, I mean we find a way to stop doing the things that started our beautiful rhythmic melody in the first place. 


The foundation of every relationship is communication. Prayer is communication with God in its most simple form. If it’s easy for us to get comfortable in our human relationships, it’s definitely easy to slip into complacency in our divine one.


The foundation we set in the beginning seems to not be as important. We put our mind on other things. Suddenly, we wonder why things aren’t the same. The basics we built our foundation on, are the basics that will establish us. 



I had gotten away from my prayer time recently. I’m the type of person I like my quiet personal time in the morning away from everything. I was journaling. I would read my word sometimes. But the prayer, I would kind of just skim through it in basic, “Thank you Father” fashion for a few things. 


Then as the summer went on, I felt blocked up in a way. Like I had weights on. Burdens were becoming heavy. It got to a point where I couldn’t take it. I had to stop scrolling Instagram. I had to close my laptop. My lips let out things I was holding in. My heart released what it was attempting to work out. My mind let go of what it desperately wanted to figure out. 


We all have this moment at one point in time or another. Luckily, we are not judged by our frequency of prayer. We have the ability to correct ourselves, extend personal mercy and get back on our feet. Back to the basics of what built our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 


When we come back from sharing, we will have better insight, wisdom and freedom to take on the day. A relationship full of freedom is one worth getting back in tune with. 


Keep your crown up,


Felicia Morgan


What’s your favorite place to be free and pray? Share in the comments.