Reflection Is Good For The Soul
The past few weeks have been interesting. I’ve been hit with fear, anxiety, worry. I feared death, I feared loved ones close to me having bad situations. I thought to myself maybe I was watching too many movies. I felt down. I felt depressed. I realized my mind was racing and on top of all that I felt trapped.
I felt that I should be further along. I could feel myself filling up with regret and frustration. Not that my current situation is even bad. For starters, I’m still able to work. How could I be so fortunate and be feeling chaotic inside?
I had to take a break from social media. I fasted for a day. I needed clarity.
If you can relate to any of the above, I encourage you to pray. Not that surface prayer. Really open up to God, you may even surprise yourself once you really have to pinpoint and name what’s going on inside. When I was able to really be free and admit how I was feeling, God reminded me that He created me for such a time as this. That I didn’t need to rush ahead of Him, that everything works out in due season. So, while I felt stuck, I was right where God needed me. When I felt I wasn’t getting closer to my dreams, I came across opportunities that would educate me and increase my skills in certain areas. When I was feeling depressed, I was reminded to remind my own self of my blessings as soon as I opened my eyes. When I became consumed in how much time I had left, my heavenly father showed me it’s all about what I do with my time.
Things are not always as they seem. Widen your perspective. Take a closer look inside and put your focus where it truly needs to be. As long as I have breath in my body, I have a day to be my best. Are my feelings real? Yes. But I don’t have to cower to them every time. I can choose to champion my day. When those feelings creep back in, I remind myself of whose I am and the purpose I am designed for. I encourage you to do the same.
Today is a great day!
I am a child of God
I am healthy
I am healed
I am whole
I am protected
I am powerful
I am resourceful with my gifts
I prioritize my time
I am speaking life
I am speaking prophetically
I am walking full of purpose
I am flowing in God’s timing
I am created for greatness
Keep your crown up,
Felicia Morgan