The Call To Pray

I sat looking at the ceiling. Eyes wide. Fully alert. Moments ago, all I could really see was the blackness of sleep.


3:40am… really?!


My alarm was set for 6am. I had just laid down at 12am. This is not normal for me.


As I laid there, it hit me and I just knew this was a call to pray. So, I started praying in tongues. Then I prayed for a few things specifically that had been on my mind. Next, my alarm was waking me up.


This happened for a few nights. God just randomly waking me up. Every time I knew I should be praying. Is this what happens when you ask for the fire to pray again? While I do take my sleep seriously, I wasn’t upset. I was intrigued. I didn’t know why God was doing it. But, I was excited that I had the opportunity to follow His lead here.


Prayer is a beautiful opportunity to commune with God. I’ve learned over the years it’s not a moment where I should always be venting, although I’ve had quite a few seasons of those. Instead, we should be intentional to also listen. Afterall, it is a conversation and that requires us to listen just as much as we speak. When we listen closely, we get insight on our next steps and what’s to come. God has also been showing me it’s a time of spiritual warfare. This is not a time to have idle prayers but to really contend and intercede for those who can’t or won’t.


Are you taking opportunities to pray? Maybe it’s not in the middle of the night but while you’re driving, in your alone time, the shower, as you get ready for bed. Are you praying? I like to set time specifically for prayer, but it doesn’t always have to be formal in this way. God simply desires for us to talk to Him throughout the day. Wherever you are, you can use it as an opportunity to pray. Don’t worry about the length, how loud you are or emotional you get about it. The important thing is that your heart is in the right place as you come before Him.


So, when you get your own personal prompting don’t miss it. Lean in and accept the invitation to spend that time with your heavenly Father. Trust me, no matter the time of day, it’s always worth it.