Alpha And Omega

Humans are very funny. Our behaviors tend to repeat. We do it unintentionally. For instance, like needing an answer for things. We always feel we have to know and understand exactly ‘why’ something is.


Like the many conspiracy theories circulating that 5G caused the Coronavirus pandemic. 


The first video I saw explaining this theory was very convincing and it sounds good. But the truth is, I. Don’t. Know! My only counter argument is, if it was solely caused by the 5G network, wouldn’t other people in various places have gotten sick without being exposed to someone with coronavirus? A question for thought, I guess. My best bet is that the 5G and other radiation factors helped the actual virus mutate, and that’s possibly why there are so many different strands. But, let’s be honest once again, I am not a doctor nor a scientist. My main issue with the conspiracy theory is that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it!



So instead of getting more upset about something beyond my control I remind myself: Jesus Christ is still Lord!


I do not have the time, energy or the mental capacity to entertain a conspiracy theory. It sounds good. But whether it’s true or a complete fabricated tale, I am trusting God either way. I have to trust God if it’s a virus. I have to trust God if there is radiation poisoning our atmosphere. 


I pray Psalm 91 over my household every time I think about it. I know about 7 nurses on the battlefield right NOW that I am constantly praying for. I am more worried about them than I am for myself. 


And then I go to bed (after washing my hands of course).


What can a girl do? It is not my purpose or burning desire to go after society’s top leaders in order to get them to take the 5G towers down. At the time of this writing, God did not put that on my agenda.


And that’s some of our problem. We are so desperate for an answer, to get understanding, that we will take something without even doing full research. Or we will research YouTube videos and be convinced of things that confirm what we already believe. We are looking for anything to explain, instead of going to the One who could explain everything. 


Listen, if there is more credible information that comes forth, and a movement that develops to help our environment by stopping these things, I do care enough to listen and contribute if necessary. But this is what you need to get, if that is not my purpose, I’m not going after it with passion just because someone said I should be concerned. I never even saw a solution to the 5G theory. Just something to explain a crisis that put even more fear in people about a hidden agenda. No thank you!


I’m going to stay focused where I’ve been called to focus. I’m going to sow where I’ve been called to sow. I am going to soak in the knowledge and be patient as God leads me. And at the end of the day, I know that God has the final say, conspiracy or not. THAT is where I am going to put my trust. A place of hope, peace and possibilities. Because God got me always!


“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

Revelation 22:13




Felicia Morgan