The Power Is Within

I don’t know where this started to rise in public opinion, but this burning sage business, as a Christian it’s honestly nonsense. 

Yes, I said that. Let me break it down for you: Jesus Christ did not die on the cross and rise again for you to need to burn a plant to cast out demons from your home. 

Why do we always feel the need to look for some outside source to give us what we’re looking for? Why do we always need an excuse to take away from what is already inside of us? Dear child of God, don’t you know that the power is in you? Like, already inside of YOU, right NOW, as I type AND as you read this! 

We have a tendency to pay close attention to our mistakes. We know all of the ways that we lack. We know we have fallen short. We are so focused on what we’re not that sometimes we can become so dependent on God that we forget our own strength. Christ said He gave you all that you need. Yes, call on Him, He will guide you indeed, but move with authority and power. 

“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.”

Luke 10:19 NLT

What does this mean? It means while the rest of the world is saying, you just need to open up your mouth and bring out your belief.

You are who God says you are! That means you are a walking powerhouse of God’s design. Use it and don’t let the world tell you anything different.

Keep your crown up,

Felicia Morgan


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