Rest In Your Gift

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I have always felt that there was more to life. When I started to develop my relationship with God its like the floodgates of revelation popped open and finally everything made sense. The reasons I would grow so frustrated with life lied in the unknowns of my purpose.But once I started walking in it, I felt so free. But then of course, tests came. I am a more reserved, introverted person yet somehow God believed in me to shift me into leadership. 

Then the pressure came, the stress added up and I was completely overwhelmed. My people pleasing ways were surfacing and putting me in a dangerous position. 

One of the hardest things I had to learn in that moment was to restand take care of myself. 

Do you want to be available for God to use? Do you want to hear Him correctly? Then you MUST take the proper steps to be at you best, internally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.I was so used to serving others and doing what I needed for them with no excuse that I overlooked what I really needed. 

Sometimes the devil doesn’t just get you in your weakness, he will trip you up to fall short in your strengths. I was great at servicing and being there to serve, I would even sacrifice to serve. But it was starting to cost me my peace, and then it started affecting my health. 



Has your gift turned into a burden? Maybe it’s time to pull back and take a real look at yourself. I had stopped serving in a way that God called me to, and I was serving out of the attention and approval I received. People could count on me. But I was doing so much that God couldn’t count on me. I was tired and so busy that quite frankly I couldn’t really hear God. It got to a point that I was burned out! I had placed myself  in a dark corner. Now, I needed to decide to really posture myself in a way to hear from God, not just what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. I realized I had a decision to make: I could keep doing what I was doing, or I could learn to serve smartly. 

Needless to say, I didn’t like the situation that I put myself in and decided to make some changes. Changes for myself. And when I made better decisions for me, I was better at being in tune with my Heavenly Father, which made me even better to serve above and beyond for my team and what they truly needed. 

So what are you doing that you don’t need to? Has your good deeds turned into something that is being used against you? 

Don’t get stuck in doing what you’re used to. If you feel overwhelmed and burned out, evaluate where your energy is going and if it’s really necessary. The best you can give could be on the other side. 

