He Sees You

Hey Daughter of God,

It was on my heart today to encourage you. It seems a lot is going on in the world right now. Maybe you have a lot going on personally that you don’t even have time or energy to notice what’s even happening in the rest of the world. I want to remind you that God sees you and He’s taking note. Just like when Hagar felt abandoned and alone, God was right there in the middle of her troubles:

“Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?””

Genesis 16:13 NLT

It can seem at times that you are all alone and no one understands. But our Heavenly Father always sees and hears us. Trust in His comfort. He is always nearby. Just call to Him. Do NOT be shy. Do NOT feel shame or guilt. There is nothing you’ve done that He doesn’t know about or that He hasn’t already loved you through.

Call to Him. Be honest. Be transparent. And know, that your Heavenly Father is there for you. 

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you”

1 Peter 5:7

Lord of ALL, your Heavenly Father, cares about YOU!! And because He cares, you can cast your cares to Him. Let Him guide you. Let Him love you. Take it all in and be the child that He adores, not because of what you’ve done, but because you are HIS! 

Have a great day, and remember, God sees you, He hears you, and He loves you, beyond any mistakes or bad situations you face. 

Keep your crown up,

Felicia Morgan