A Time To Speak

“White Blessing”.


Wrong choice of words. Clearly. But some say the silence on the other end was actually what was worse.


What am I talking about? A relative recently posted an article that said Pastor Louie Giglio claimed that “white privilege” was actually a “white blessing” at a recent discussion on the racial tension going on. I’ve heard a few things from this pastor and thought he doesn’t seem the type to say something like that, so I decided to not jump to conclusions. I looked it up. To my surprise it was actually true. I didn’t have the heart to watch the video. I did however, believe in the sincerity of his apology. But the outrage didn’t stop with Pastor Giglio. Lecrae was there. Christian rapper and American black man. He didn’t say anything to challenge the statement apparently. 


Lecrae’s reflection I understand. His apology I have lived without the scrutiny of social media. 


In the third grade my parents moved our family across the Kansas-Missouri state line to a suburb right outside of Kansas City. I grew up one of few black people in my neighborhood, elementary, Jr. high, and high school. Then I went to college surrounded once again by a multitude of Caucasian bodies. 


I have been the minority most of my life. I’ve listened to racist jokes that weren’t funny, white girls wanting to touch black boys crinkled hair when they let out their braids, been told black people only make money if they’re an athlete or in entertainment, had multiple disagreements about the “n-word” being used, and I’ve heard and seen the appropriation of our culture at their hands. Because I’m outnumbered, not sure of exactly what to say to come across correctly, not wanting to be the angry black girl over something they deem small, topped by my general fear of confrontation altogether, I too have sat in silence when I should have spoken up. 


I get it. I’ve been there. Sometimes the familiarity of this world makes you wonder why even fight. The system is set up so high you can feel this one conversation isn’t worth my energy. 


But what if it is? What if it takes just one seed at a time? Often, our white counterparts don’t know any better. But the giant has been awakened and they are about to find out one way or another. 


I am what I am because God created me this way. And it’s time we not back down. It’s time we speak up, even when we feel we have no words. Never let anyone make you feel that you can’t speak up for yourself and your experiences. It’s something I am still learning to this day, but let’s not keep making this mistake because it could cost us sooner than later when we don’t take the time educate others based on our personal experiences. 


“Father help us as we continue to move forward, give us discernment on when to be quiet and the bold wisdom needed when it’s time to speak!”


“For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control”

2 Timothy 1:7