Stop Looking For Purpose

One of the most tiresome questions I’ve asked, is what is my purpose?


People on social media have these beautiful stories of giving God an ultimatum, fasting for a revelation and afterward they just know exactly what to do from that point on.


Watching them move in seamless purpose causes discouragement. I know that’s not all that there is to it, but my scrolling interpretation says different. 


“Why can’t you hear from God like that?”


That may not be the intention when the story is told, but that’s how it comes off. My personal life expectations were going down like a balloon leaking air. Thank God, He doesn’t leave us out to dry. As I came to Him in one of my episodes, He showed me I wasn’t missing anything at all. The word purpose means the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. I didn’t need to figure my purpose out, I needed to change my perspective. 


Here are few things I became intentional about as I thought about purpose in my walk with God:

1.     Purpose is not a location. Purpose is the reason you do something. It’s not a place you reach and it suddenly all makes sense. What gives you fuel to serve the kingdom? That’s purpose!

2.     Your strengths are more than your flaws. Stop beating yourself up over mistakes. No one is perfect, yet we hold ourselves to this standard. You’re good, flaws and all. Instead of worrying how to make your weaknesses less, start to put your energy toward making your strengths even better.

3.     Take it one day, one season at a time. I don’t know about you, but I must reign my mind in from overthinking. To make it easier on you, ask yourself what’s the last thing God said to do? Stop overwhelming yourself to complete the big picture. Be obedient to today’s call.

Those 3 tips helped me realize I had to stop chasing purpose and live it. Be in the moment, enjoy it. Live. Be impactful. Laugh. Living according to what society presented was extremely draining. Present your case to God, He will show you how to have purpose for each day with what you have now. 

Keep your crown up,

Felicia Morgan

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