Royalty This, Royal Me That
“He will hold you in His hand for all to see - a splendid crown in the hand of God”
Isaiah 62:3
A splendid crown. The perfect illustration of Jerusalem. But, when I come across it God reminds me of how awesome I am in His eyes. That I’ve come a long way from the girl staring down at the ground. That as I continue to surrender to Him and do things His way I unravel more of how He truly sees me. As I look to build the kingdom, He will provide platforms to honor and show me off. And it won’t be because of the good work that I do. It won’t be by my might. It won’t be so I can look at people who doubted me and say “I told you so”. It won’t be to go find those who overlooked me and say “Hey look, look at what you missed”. But, simply because He loves me so much. Period. And when I take the opportunities to run and depend on Him, He opens up His hand to say, “look at my beautiful, beloved daughter”. And the beautiful thing is He says the exact same thing about YOU!
His beloved daughter, His beloved son! The good with the bad. The achievements with the failures. The greatness wrapped in flaws, He is so proud of you and wants the best for you. When you know that the best is expected for you, you will be motivated to seek it out! Do you look in the mirror and see the royalty that has been bestowed upon you? Every day is a new learning lesson and a new day of revelation. God will definitely keep you on your toes as you take this journey. But it is all the way worth it. Even when I revert back to old ways, He shows me the new thing He is doing and why I have to keep pushing past me. Push past me to see what He adores so much, right there, in the palm of the hand of the Father. The palm that is filled with kisses to be blown my way. There I am. Right in the middle. Surrounded by His comfort and safety. That if no one else can see, He is looking right directly at me. And there you are too. Don’t let this world tell you any different. You are nothing less than an adored child of the King.