Single Series: You Have What It Takes

It was on my heart to share the past few weeks about being single in this world. For this last blog in the series I thought about discussing purity and boundaries, but it wasn’t really on my heart to go there. You can get that advice through google if you desire. Maybe I’ll share on it later if I’m led. However, as I’ve been writing God has really been having me go after the heart and mind behind a single season. 


Which, it’s just that: a season!



I’ve talked about being transparent and laying down those fears from past hurts. Knowing in your heart you do deserve better, and even rethinking what you think about. All of it can be applied to any part of our life: single, married or otherwise. As I put together this last piece to close out the month it’s no surprise that I had to redo this thing and forget the tips on setting boundaries, and make sure you know God’s heart toward yours once again. 


In my alone time the other day I was led to read Hebrews 13 and I stopped on verse 21 in awe:

[may the God of peace…] “ equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 

Hebrews 13:21


God is equipping you right NOW to fulfill your destiny. He’s given you right NOW what you need to walk full force in your purpose. You don’t need to wait for a husband to show up before you make moves. You don’t have to wait for things to look a certain way. Your heart to be close to God has already put you in position for what He desires for you. There’s no need to worry or get frantic about when things will happen. Slow down. Take a deep breath. It may not be all that you desire currently, but you are exactly where you should be. Don’t take today for granted. Don’t take this current season of just you and the Lord and not see it for its’ full potential. This is a beautiful season of growth, strength and God showing you how to prosper in what He gave you. 


Daughter, God loves you and desires for you to live life at the fullest. You are amazing on your own and when your purpose partner shows up, he’s going to help reveal more of what God put in you that you can’t even see yet. Don’t be discouraged. Take all of that frustration and lay it at your Heavenly Father’s feet. 


You are exactly where you should be right now! Repeat it until you believe it.



And don’t let your timeclock tell you any different. Yes, it gets hard, frustrating and more. But how you feel about it does not negate the facts. In due time things will evolve. But until then, learn to enjoy your right now. Learn to be present in the moment. And know, that God has equipped you to accomplish all you dream and more. 



Keep your crown up,


Felicia Morgan