I Am Woman
When I think about what it means to be a woman, I realize there
are many different ideas, thoughts, and misconceptions that go along with it.
I’ve always grown up around a bit of a feminist mindset. My mom always used to
say, “If women aren’t supposed to think for themselves why did God give us a
brain?” But others think differently. Even some in the church have their own
extreme conservative views of womanhood.
When I find myself lost in the whirlwind of what society says
about my womanhood, I look at the Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible. When I read
about who she is and all that she stands for, it reminds me of the great
examples of heroic women I see today.
In a time period that constantly reminds us of the dim roles of
women, somehow the Proverbs 31 woman was an amazing business woman. She found
something that she was great at. She operated in her gifts and learned to make
wise decisions, which helped her to maximize on these talents.
What I find so amazing about this aspect is that she went
against what some may have thought about her. She was so confident in the
unconditional love of her Father God that she operated gracefully. She spoke
lovingly. She was a leader and did not hold back in timidity of who God
designed her to be.
But I see something else. As independent women today, there are
still lessons that we can learn from her. She teaches us how to be a great
wife. Now, some ladies are like myself, and not yet down that path of life.
However, I appreciate being able to learn what I can about the married life so
I can be as prepared as possible before I get there. What I see in the Proverbs
31 woman is her submission. Her husband praised her. He didn’t praise her
because she was running over him in all of her independent attitude. NO! She
was his partner. She never let the honor of her husband demise
her role as a woman. She showed us that we can be great, listening wives, AND
strong in own unique right at the exact same time. It doesn’t have to be one or
the other. Of course, that means her husband was just as confident in who he
was… but that’s for another day.
In the end, women have been amazing for centuries upon
centuries. We have seen women across the world rising up in new ways and
creating new movements. We have a powerful network of women around ready to
execute on all the visions that God has placed inside of them. So get excited
girlfriends, for we were created for such a time as this!